Tuesday, January 21, 2014

12 Ways To Use Coconut Oil On Our Body and Around The House

12 ways to use coconut oil:

1. Moisturizer: Even it will feel a bit greasy at first, but is quickly absorbed, leaving skin soft and supple. Use it on face, dry skin, chapped lips, and kids’ rosy cheeks.

2. Whipped lotion: Whip 2 cups of coconut oil (or half shea butter) in a stand mixer until soft and fluffy. Add essential oil, if desired. Scoop into a container. The oil will not harden.

3. Face wash and makeup remover: Coconut oil is great for cleaning. Rub a bit between your hands until it softens or melts, then rub all over your face. Wipe away with a hot washcloth.

4. Ultimate hair product: Work a small amount into your hair to tame it and produces well-defined waves and curls without greasiness. Do an overnight deep-condition.

5. Luscious massage oil: Coconut oil does just as good a job as those expensive massage lotions.

6. Spot and stain remover: Rub a piece of coconut oil into a spot on upholstery or a carpet, and it will loosen the stain or item. You can mix with baking soda to make an effective stain remover.

7. Diaper and nipple cream: Apply it to your baby’s bottom for moisturizing and antibacterial treatment. If you’re breastfeeding you can use it to treat sore nipples.

8. Sweetener and whitener for coffee and tea

9. Natural shaving cream

10. Oil pulling: Good for oral health. Swish some coconut oil around your mouth for 15 minutes in the morning to 'pull' bacteria out of your mouth. Spit and rinse with water.

11. Medicinal uses: Coconut oil helps yeast infections, vaginal dryness, ear infections, cold sores, nosebleeds, rashes, and bug bites.

12. Household uses: Season cast iron pans, polish patent leather, remove chewing gum, and clean shower scum with coconut oil on a rag.

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