Tuesday, December 10, 2013

10 Top Toxic Ingredients From Coal, Oil, Gas Production

Fossil fuel productions (oil, coal, gas) are using tons of chemicals, often not disclosed, which many are highly dangerous to human health. Here, some of the more commonly cited toxic ingredients, which used across all 3 major fossil fuel extraction industries: oil, coal, and natural gas, are listed.

(1) Benzene (Oil, Coal, Natural gas): one of the largest-volume petrochemical solvents used in the fossil fuel industry. It is a well-established carcinogen with specific links to leukemia as well as breast and urinary tract cancers.

(2) & (3) Sulfur Dioxide and Nitrogen Oxides(Oil, Coal, Gas): 2 primary air pollutants from coal power plants. They are known to cause serious health problems, like lung cancer and other cardiopulmonary mortality.

(4) Petroleum Coke or Pet Coke (Oil): by-product of tar sands bitumen oil processing. It is a heavy dust which resembles coal. It contains dozens of dangerous chemicals and heavy metals, including chromium, vanadium, sulfur, and selenium.

(5) Formaldehyde (Natural Gas): commonly used in a new drilling method of natural gas extraction called "fracking". Formaldehyde is known linked to leukemia and rare nasopharyngeall cancers. It also been linked to spontaneous abortions, congenital malformations, low birth weights, infertility, and endometriosis while exposed to formaldehyde.

(6) Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons PAH (Oil, Coal): is a group of toxic chemicals which link to childhood asthma, low birth weight, adverse birth outcomes including heart malformations, and DNA damage.

(7) Mercury (Coal): a dangerous neurotoxin. It damages the brain and the nervous system either through inhalation, ingestion, or contact with the skin. Coal-fired power plants are notorious for airborne mercury emissions which can travel thousands of miles from the source.

(8) Silica (Silicon Dust/Fracking Sand) (Natural Gas): is commonly used, in huge amounts, during fracking operations for natural gas drilling. It is a known human carcinogen; breathing silica dust can lead to silicosis, a form of lung disease with no cure.

(9) Radon (Natural Gas): is a colorless, odorless, tasteless radioactive gas which causes lung cancer. Newly-developed extraction methods “fracking” represents a significant source of radon exposure. Radon is released into local groundwater and air during fracking operations.

(10) Hydrofluoric Acid (Oil, Gas): a common ingredient used in oil and gas extraction. HF can immediately damage lungs, leading to chronic lung disease; contact on skin penetrates to deep tissue, including bone, where it alters cellular structure. HF can be fatal if inhaled, swallowed, or absorbed through skin.

These are just a quick summary of the dangerous chemicals from oil, coal and gas production. For more detail please visit http://cleantechnica.com/2013/12/09/10-top-toxic-ingredients-used-coal-oil-gas-production/

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