Tuesday, October 1, 2013

What Is Biogas & Its Environmental Benefits

Biogas typically refers to a gas produced by the breakdown of organic matter, like manure, greens, municipal waste or sewage, in the absence of oxygen. It is produced by bacteria through anaerobic digestion or fermentation of biodegradable materials. Biogas contains primarily methane and carbon dioxide.

When combusted or oxidized with oxygen, energy is released. Hence, biogas can be used to replace fossil fuels for any heating purposes, like cooking. It can also be used in gas engine to convert energy in the gas into electricity.

Biogas also can be processed into natural gas. This process involves water washing, pressure swing and amine gas treatment. Biogas is then compressed and transported ready for use.

Benefits of biogas:

1. Curb global warming. Human controlled biogas generation helps to reduce methane emission from natural decomposition of organic matters. Also, the carbon dioxide produced is oxidized hence reducing its effects to the environment.

2. Conserve the environment. Biogas is a natural gas produced through fermentation process. Methane gas is used to produce heat and energy. This helps to conserve the environment by reducing deforestation when many are using tree as sources of firewood.

3. Prevent pollution. Unlike other fossil fuels, biogas generation utilizes only bacteria, without any chemical. So the production of biogas is safe and well secured.

4. Reduce waste. This helps to reduce the amount of organic matters being disposed as municipal solid waste and landfill are being a major issue for cities.

Source: http://2greenenergy.com/2013/09/24/bio-gas-fuel/

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