Thursday, August 29, 2013

World's First Wave Technology Delivering Both Clean Energy & Fresh Water

Carnegie Wave Energy, based on Perth, Australia, announces their new technology of wave-powered desalination plant. The plant will be the first in the world capable of delivering both clean energy and fresh water.

Named after a Greek sea goddess, CETO harnesses the enormous renewable energy present in the ocean's waves and converts it into two of the most valuable commodities underpinning the sustainable growth of the planet; zero-emission electricity and zero-emission desalinated water.

Unlike any other wave energy systems, CETO wave power converter is the first unit to be fully-submerged and to produce high pressure water from the power of waves. The system will be situated on the seabed 25-50 meters below water. This makes it safe from the extreme forces that can be present during storms and creates no visual impact.
Above picture depicts the design of CETO. The top "flying-saucer" like device will be floating up and down, with the base (the yellow color structure) secured in the seabed. The "up" and "down" motion will create a pumping mechanism which push the sea water up to the shore (as shown on the first picture).

By delivering high pressure water ashore, the technology allows either zero-emission electricity to be produced (similar to hydroelectricity) or zero-emission freshwater (utilising standard reverse osmosis desalination technology). The system can also be used for co-production of zero-emission electricity and freshwater.

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